Merakoi seeking patients, caregivers to interview

If you or someone you care for has mild cognitive impairment, in the early stages of normal onset Alzheimer’s or appears to have memory loss issues, merakoi, a company seeking to “to create healthcare solutions that help people better navigate life with a disease,” is inviting you to join their network.

Those interested in joining the merakoi network must be a US resident and age 65 or over. You will be compensated for your participation in interviews at a rate of $150 per hour.

Here is a direct link to the merakoi network sign-up form. Please select the memories project in the How did you hear about us? drop down menu. Full disclosure: I will receive a referral fee for those who sign up to the merakoi network through The Memories Project blog.

Take some time to review the merakoi website to see if you are interested in participating. The company is focused on facilitating a patient-led approach in designing health solutions.

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